This new one has the subtitle of “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about The Science of the Cards”
This new edition is perfect-bound like our other main books and has over 40 page of new and additional information. And because we had this professionally printed, we can sell this book for $34.95.
($25 cheaper than the previous edition.)
You can be the first to get a copy of this new edition, our most advanced book on the Science of the Cards. Many new articles and more advanced information.This is the book that initiates you into the mystical aspects of the Science of the Cards. For years Robert Lee Camp has been promising to write an advanced book that will explain all the advanced techniques in detail.
Not only does he describe the essential roots of the system but also goes into great detail about the auspicious positions, yearly, seven year and other spreads and how they are derived from the Grand Solar Spreads.For those ready to understand the system from the ground up, this is the place to start.
This is the book that initiates you into the mystical aspects of the Science of the Cards. For years Robert Lee Camp has been promising to write an advanced book that will explain all the advanced techniques in detail. Not only does he describe the essential roots of the system but also goes into great detail about the auspicious positions, yearly, seven year and other spreads and how they are derived from the Grand Solar Spreads.For those ready to understand the system from the ground up, this is the place to start.
Also included in this book are descriptions of each of the 52 birth cards, written from the advanced point of view, showing their position in the Grand Solar Spread and its significance.
Exploring the Little Book of the Seven Thunders $34.95
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