Recorded in the fall of 2016, this 5-hour course covers all the topics that beginner and intermediate level students need to progress their ability to do accurate and meaningful readings for themselves and others. As you watch and learn you will have all the spreads of each participant in front of you so that you can see what they are seeing and asking about.
The Planetary Period Cards – direct and vertical cards, their distinctions and examples. The Jacks Queens and Kings are always people.Sevens and Nines – spiritual verses material interpretations.The Auspicious Positions related to the Displacement Card.The best way to handle a Nine Card in your spreads.Indicators of a Spouse’s financial success in your spreads
The Planetary Ruling verses the Birth Card Yearly Spreads – their Distinctions.Get to know the differences between your Birth and Ruling Card. What are the Elements of a Card’s Interpretation. The Importance of Context. The definition of spirituality and how a person’s level of spirituality will affect the meaning of their cards. Know who you are reading for. How spiritual people take advantage of difficult cards. The best tools to help you learn to interpret the cards better. How to become a master of this system in a year or less. When we have our Life Spread cards show up in other places in our Yearly. Spreads. Relationships for the Year. Face Cards are people first. The best placements for compatibility for the year.The best placements for business and finances for the year.How to find the information you are looking for in a yearly spread.

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